sygessese@gmail.com | github.com/sygessese
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Java, SQL
frameworks/ libraries
React, Bootstrap, jQuery, Styled Components, GatsbyJS, Webpack, Babel, Flux
Node.js, Express, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, MongoDB
Node.js, Express, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, MongoDB
Git, AWS, Docker, Jest, Postman, Loader.io, Heroku
Hack Reactor at Galvanize December 2019
Software Engineering Immersive
University of Washington June 2017
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Dean's List for Academic Achievement: Winter 2016, Spring 2016, Spring 2017
Dean's List for Academic Achievement: Winter 2016, Spring 2016, Spring 2017
Seattle Central College June 2015
Associate of Arts
Dean’s List for Academic Achievement: Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015, Spring 2015
President and Founder: Art & Culture Club
Dean’s List for Academic Achievement: Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015, Spring 2015
President and Founder: Art & Culture Club
Twitook Social network system with post, comment, and home feed features
Constructed using Flux architecture with React on the front end, and JWT authentication and MongoDB on the back end.
JASTdance Music streaming service
Architected a system design into production. Conducted performance evaluation on Cassandra and PostgreSQL before deploying on AWS. Configured Nginx to balance traffic across three Dockerized servers running on separate EC2 instances. Applied throughput analysis using Loader.io and New Relic to discover a bottleneck in the database.
Hungry Crafted selection of highly rated restaurants in close proximity
Integrated geolocation functionality and Yelp’s Graphql API to develop an iOS application with a RESTful backend using React Native, Node.js, and MongoDB.
Distilled Clothing item detail page
Created a web application rendered by a proxy server, serving various Dockerized React components running in separate AWS EC2 instances. Used Jest and Enzyme, and version control with Git feature branch workflow to maintain TDD. Utilized text-compression and minification to achieve 100% Google Page Speed Score.
ACLU of WA 2018-2019
Public Relations Assistant
Migrated local volunteer system to an online database, doubling participation; created documentation for onboarding staff. Produced the annual department report by analyzing communications activity, and determined where to divert energy and funds for the next year.
City of Seattle 2018-2019
Community Engagement Ambassador
Audited programs receiving grant funding. Engaged underrepresented communities on public services available to them. Provided translation services in Amharic for presentations.